
Nova Contemporary Culture

"A sincere DIY documentary film on new art and the young artists behind it. Directed by Isaac Niemand, and produced by ROJO® in collaboration with BossaNovaFilms, it was all filmed on the heat of live action at ®Nova Contemporary Culture which happened in July and August 2010, in MIS-Museum of Image and Sound, and SESC Pompeia, in São Paulo, Brazil."

Nova Contemporary Culture is an "interactive, full-environmental experience utilizing color, light, textures, music and design, in the form of collaborative and integrated compositions by a wide range of artists from around the world. From hand-made illustrations to large scale murals to modern digital art; moving image to multimedia convergence, art will be made without the limitations or restrictions of traditional format and will rely heavily on the magic of live improvisation. During this constantly evolving and mutating exhibition, the creative process are to be witnessed as an ongoing work in progress rife with experimentation, challenging traditional and contemporary techniques and the bending of modern technology."

some links:

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